Dufs一个独特的文件服务器,支持静态文件、访问控制、上传、搜索和webdav功能。 dufs特性
静态文件 打包下载目录为zip文件 上传文件或目录,支持拖放 新建、编辑、搜索文件 支持上传、下载断点续传 访问控制 支持https 支持webdav curl访问 安装dufs 官方下载地址 https://github.com/sigoden/dufs/releases 国内下载地址 (密码3705)
tar zxf dufs-v0.41.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz mv dufs /usr/local/bin/ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dufs 使用dufs dufs命令行参数
dufs --help Dufs is a distinctive utility file server - https://github.com/sigoden/dufs Usage: dufs [OPTIONS] [serve-path] Arguments: [serve-path] Specific path to serve [default: .] Options: -c, --config <file> Specify configuration file -b, --bind <addrs> Specify bind address or unix socket -p, --port <port> Specify port to listen on [default: 5000] --path-prefix <path> Specify a path prefix --hidden <value> Hide paths from directory listings, e.g. tmp,*.log,*.lock -a, --auth <rules> Add auth roles, e.g. user:pass@/dir1:rw,/dir2 -A, --allow-all Allow all operations --allow-upload Allow upload files/folders --allow-delete Allow delete files/folders --allow-search Allow search files/folders --allow-symlink Allow symlink to files/folders outside root directory --allow-archive Allow zip archive generation --enable-cors Enable CORS, sets `Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *` --render-index Serve index.html when requesting a directory, returns 404 if not found index.html --render-try-index Serve index.html when requesting a directory, returns directory listing if not found index.html --render-spa Serve SPA(Single Page Application) --assets <path> Set the path to the assets directory for overriding the built-in assets --log-format <format> Customize http log format --log-file <file> Specify the file to save logs to, other than stdout/stderr --compress <level> Set zip compress level [default: low] [possible values: none, low, medium, high] --completions <shell> Print shell completion script for <shell> [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh] --tls-cert <path> Path to an SSL/TLS certificate to serve with HTTPS --tls-key <path> Path to the SSL/TLS certificate's private key -h, --help Print help -V, --version Print version dufs使用实例 当前目录只读模式运行