


OptiPNG is a PNG optimizer that recompresses image files to a smaller size, without losing any information. This program also converts external formats (BMP, GIF, PNM and TIFF) to optimized PNG, and performs PNG integrity checks and corrections.


至于OptiPNG的威力如何,请看本次实例,下载 optipng-0.7.8.tar.gz,密码3705。

	root@raspi:~# ls -lh huxian.tif                         
	-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178M Apr  4 16:54 huxian.tif    //原始文件178MB
	root@raspi:~# optipng huxian.tif
	** Processing: huxian.tif
	Importing TIFF
	7872x5904 pixels, 4x8 bits/pixel, RGB+alpha   //分辨率7872x5904
	Reducing image to 3x8 bits/pixel, RGB
	Input file size = 186000368 bytes
	zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 0         IDAT size = 4273133
	Selecting parameters:
	zc = 9  zm = 8  zs = 0  f = 0         IDAT size = 4273133
	Output file: huxian.png
	Output IDAT size = 4273133 bytes
	Output file size = 4273190 bytes (181727178 bytes = 97.70% decrease)
	root@raspi:~# ls -lh huxian*
	-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.1M Apr  4 17:02 huxian.png   //压缩结果4.1MB
	-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178M Apr  4 16:54 huxian.tif


OptiPNG官方地址 http://optipng.sourceforge.net/

官方提供源码和Windows编译版,Debian/Ubuntu系统可以通过apt-get install optipng来安装。